29 January 2025

Call for Registration and Abstracts: 20th Annual TEPARG Meeting

You are cordially invited to the 20th Annual Trans-European Pedagogic Anatomy Research Group (TEPARG) Meeting.

The meeting will be held at the NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal, on Saturday March 01, 2025, 10am-5pm CET, and will be delivered in a hybrid format (via Zoom) for delegates unable to attend in person. The theme of the meeting will be ‘Diversity in Anatomical Education’

Registration: Please complete your free registration for TEPARG 2025 by Monday January 13, 2025, using our online form

Abstracts: You are invited to submit an abstract for TEPARG 2025. Please complete the attached form and carefully follow the guidance when creating your submission.  Please attach your completed form(s) and send to TEPARG Secretary Professor Iain Keenan by Monday January 13, 2025. We aim to provide abstract decisions and the final meeting programme by Friday January 31, 2025.

We encourage submission of work that falls under our theme of ‘Diversity in Anatomical Education’and which addresses issues of diversity, equality, and inclusion with respect to anatomical learning resources, anatomy students, and anatomy educators. We also invite submissions on the general theme of ‘Anatomy Pedagogic Research’.

Prizes will be awarded at the meeting for the best presentations by junior/student investigators.  

Please share this invitation: You may wish to forward this invitation to any anatomy educator colleagues, or any undergraduate or postgraduate students who may be interested in registering and/or submitting an abstract. We are always keen to receive new members and contributions from across Europe.

We are looking forward to seeing you in person/online in March 2025 for the 20th Annual TEPARG Meeting.